Your donation to General Missions will support one of these organizations. Please remember to pray for their ministries as well.


Community Pregnancy Center

Their Mission: Share the gospel of Jesus Christ, uphold the sanctity of human life, promote sexual purity for all, and care for those hurt by abortion.


EMA Scholarship Fund

The EMA was established to facilitate communication and fellowship among fellow ministers in the Edgewood School district,  to work together in a cooperative effort for the good of the schools and community. Each year the EMA gives out one scholarship to an Edgewood Senior exhibiting exemplary Christian values.


Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering (AAEO) is the primary way we support mission efforts in North America. One hundred percent of gifts given to AAEO are used to support Southern Baptist missionaries serving across the United States and Canada.


New International Missions

Dale & Christa Puckett Dale was our youth leader prior to joining with New International. Dale and Christa travel the world and are excited to proclaim Christ and make disciples globally with YouthHOPE and New International.


New Life Mission

A 501 (c)3 non-profit inner-city ministry located in Hamilton, Ohio since 1969.  Their ministries include a Community cafe, food pantry, eyeglass assistance, and worship services.


Mission Dignity

Mission:Dignity helps more than 2,400 retired pastors and their wives/widows every year with extra money needed for housing, food and vital medications. It also ensures a well-deserved dignity, independence and, often, the ability to continue serving the Lord.


Edgewood Ministerial Association

The Edgewood Ministerial Association (EMA) exists so our faith community can come together to minister to the Edgewood School District families. THERE IS ONE BODY AND ONE SPIRIT, JUST AS YOU WERE CALLED TO ONE HOPE WHEN YOU WERE CALLED; EPHESIANS 4:4


Pathway to Hope

Offering Hope To Those Facing An Unexpected Pregnancy


202 S. Monument Ave.
Hamilton, OH 45011

(513) 895-2229



Ray Roberts State Offering

One week each year is set apart to celebrate mission work in Ohio and to collect the Ray Roberts State Mission Offering. 100% of all funds collected are provided to missions and ministries right here in Ohio!


Southwestern Baptist Association

Southwestern Baptist Association exists to be your local mission partner in southwestern Ohio to multiply and mature disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ locally and globally to the Glory of God by strengthening and starting Southern Baptist Churches through Resourcing, Equipping, and Networking.


Samaritan's Purse

Shoebox Ministry

The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations.


Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® is an annual offering collected by Southern Baptists to support international missions. The offering was officially named in 1918 by Woman’s Missionary Union in honor of the missionary to China who urged churches to start it and give sacrificially.