Giving through our church app is easy and convenient. Your first step is to create an account. Once you are registered (watch for an email to get set up) and logged in you can start giving. Choose which fund you are giving to on the donation page.
If you already have a PayPal account then it is super easy to give to FBC Trenton! And if your bank account is already linked to your PayPal account then your gift is not subject to merchant fees on our end -
so what you give is exactly what the church receives!
We also collect tithes and offerings during our Sunday Worship service. But if you are not able to attend you are welcome to mail your gifts to the Contributions Manager, 305 Cypress Avenue, Trenton, OH 45067 and it will be handled with care.
The bible says to owe no one anything except to love one another, and that is what FBC Trenton has set our hearts to do! Our building is owned outright which gives us freedom to give more away. If you are in need of material goods we want to help in any way we can. Giving above your tithes to our Benevolence Fund will help us pay it forward to those in need.
If you choose to give to Benevolence through PayPal remember to add a note when you give.
First Baptist Church is involved in numerous mission initiatives around the entire world. Our heart truly goes out to the people of the world, including here in Trenton, and your gift can make a giant difference.
We generally focus on a different mission each month. See our Missions calendar for more information.
Again, add a note when you give online through PayPal.
Thank you for your support!
God provides for the ministry of our church through your tithes and offerings and your gifts are honored with faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and accountability to our lead team and denomination. It’s more than keeping the lights on and the gears turning; it’s about personal worship to God and handing Him back what He already owns…and it’s about lives changing through the transformative power of the Gospel in the Trenton area and beyond.
But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this?
Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.”
~1 Chronicles 29:14
Why we give
God’s Word calls us to obediently “tithe” (give 10%) of what He gives us, to do His kingdom work. “Offerings” given to God are gifts above and beyond our tithes. Tithes and offerings are vital to the health of First Baptist Church of Trenton and provide for all the areas of ministry and outreach.
OUR GOAL IS 100% PARTICIPATION in giving to the future of FBC Trenton.
That might mean being lavishly generous or simply sacrificial…like sacrificing a fast food meal once a week. What you give should be decided between you and God, and we just ask that you give in some way from a worshipful heart.
Prayerfully consider:
2 Corinthians 9:7-8 “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of [a]necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.”
We are asking that you prayerfully support and sacrificially give to fulfill God’s vision for the future of First Baptist Church. Come along side and be part of the next phase of our miraculous story, and prepare to be blessed.
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